Sale - End of the Line
It's a typical 'sort of a Sale' SALE, so Holly&Lil of course. The collars below are sewn and in our studio ready to be despatched. They are in the sale for various reasons - change of style, discontinued leathers, etc BUT we are still proud to call them H&L collars - it's just it gets confused in the drawers and harder to match to leads. A few are marked 'not perfect'. Most you cannot see why they are reduced but at our prices we do have strict quality checks and if not spot on we reduce.There is a very small chance we may have sold the collars below in the studio and not had time to take it offline - but that is quite unlikely. If you want to check call 0207 237 7226 but we do not reopen till 2nd January and that is when despactch will start to be sorted.